Source code for tsaug._augmenter.resize

from typing import Optional, Tuple

import numpy as np

from .base import _Augmenter, _default_seed

[docs]class Resize(_Augmenter): """ Change the temporal resolution of time series. The resized time series is obtained by linear interpolation of the original time series. Parameters ---------- size : int Length of the output series. repeats : int, optional The number of times a series is augmented. If greater than one, a series will be augmented so many times independently. This parameter can also be set by operator `*`. Default: 1. prob : float, optional The probability of a series is augmented. It must be in (0.0, 1.0]. If multiple output is expected, this value must be 1.0, so that all output have the same length. This parameter can also be set by operator `@`. Default: 1.0. seed : int, optional The random seed. Default: None. """ def __init__( self, size: int, repeats: int = 1, prob: float = 1.0, seed: Optional[int] = _default_seed, ): self.size = size super().__init__(repeats=repeats, prob=prob, seed=seed) @classmethod def _get_param_name(cls) -> Tuple[str, ...]: return ("size",) @property def size(self) -> int: return self._size @size.setter def size(self, s: int) -> None: if not isinstance(s, int): raise TypeError("Parameter `size` must be a positive integer.") if s <= 0: raise ValueError("Parameter `size` must be a positive integer.") self._size = s def _augmented_series_length(self, T: int) -> int: return self.size def _augment( self, X: np.ndarray, Y: Optional[np.ndarray] ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, Optional[np.ndarray]]: """ Overwrite the memory-expensive base method. """ rand = np.random.RandomState(self.seed) if self.prob != 1.0: # it implies N == 1 and self.repeats == 1 if rand.uniform() > self.prob: if Y is None: return X.copy(), None else: return X.copy(), Y.copy() T = X.shape[1] if self.size == T: X_aug = X.copy() if Y is None: Y_aug = None else: Y_aug = Y.copy() return X_aug, Y_aug if self.size == 1: X_aug = (X[:, :1, :] + X[:, -1:, :]) / 2 if Y is None: Y_aug = None else: Y_aug = (Y[:, :1, :] + Y[:, -1:, :]) / 2 return X_aug, Y_aug ind = np.arange(self.size - 1) / (self.size - 1) * (T - 1) ind_0 = ind.astype(int) ind_1 = ind_0 + 1 weight_1 = ind - ind_0 weight_0 = 1.0 - weight_1 X_aug = X[:, ind_0, :] * weight_0.reshape(1, self.size - 1, 1) + X[ :, ind_1, : ] * weight_1.reshape(1, self.size - 1, 1) X_aug = np.concatenate([X_aug, X[:, -1:, :]], axis=1) if self.repeats > 1: X_aug = np.repeat(X_aug, self.repeats, axis=0) if Y is None: Y_aug = None else: Y_aug = Y[:, ind_0, :] * weight_0.reshape(1, self.size - 1, 1) + Y[ :, ind_1, : ] * weight_1.reshape(1, self.size - 1, 1) Y_aug = np.concatenate([Y_aug, Y[:, -1:, :]], axis=1) Y_aug = Y_aug.round().astype(int) if self.repeats > 1: Y_aug = np.repeat(Y_aug, self.repeats, axis=0) return X_aug, Y_aug def _augment_core( self, X: np.ndarray, Y: Optional[np.ndarray] ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, Optional[np.ndarray]]: "Method _augment is overwritten, therefore this method is not needed." pass